Index Octrooiaanvraag (Patent Application) van uitvinding van Jules Ruis (using Fractal Geometry for the design and manufacturing (Rapid Prototyping) of artificial organs (Tissue Engineering)

d.d. 29 december 2006

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Summary of the Patent Application (English version)
Samenvatting van de Octrooiaanvraag
Dit is het voorblad bij de octrooiaanvraag.
Dit is de beschrijving van de uitvinding.
Dit zijn de tekeningen behorende bij de beschrijving van de uitvinding.
This programme creates several layers of the 3D Mandelbrot Set (Windows version)
This programme creates several layers of the 3D Mandelbrot Set with fi and theta (DOS version; does not work with Vista)
Print-out of the the programme that creates several layers of the 3D Mandelbrot Set (DOS version)
Print-out of the programme that creates several layers of the 3D Mandelbrot Set (DOS version; does not work with Vista)
This programme creates several layers of the 3D Mandelbrot Set (DOS version)